Tuesday, June 24, 2014


If you're having problems with drugs or alcohol, the real first step is to consult a doctor, preferably an member of ASAM (the American Society of Addiction Medicine ) -- you want to be diagnosed by a real doctor, or some former drunk in a church basement?  People are dying in non-medical rehabs, and it has become a national scandal, especially in California where people go to non-medical rehabs and proceed to drop dead. Addiction is a MEDICAL condition with behavioral symptoms. Read about the recent tragic rehab deaths in the latest eBulletin.

Why is it that really smart creative people gravitate towards recreational drug use? Good question, and there are several theories...while we don't have a final answer, we can contemplate some famous people and their drugs of choice.

Good News! Cops are saving lives with new overdose antidote!   Bad News!: Prescription Painkillers Killing More People Than Heroin and Cocaine Combined! 

There is so much content, we are thrilled and delighted beyond human comprehension to bring you the latest Addiction/Recovery eBulletin!

Read on -- more news you can use and opinions that won't drive you to drink!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014  *  THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS  *  Vol. 1, No. 43

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What's Next? Holocaust Hangers in Faux Bone

Urban Outfitters Under Fire for Giving Away Pens Shaped Like Heroin-Filled Hypodermic Needles
Urban Outfitters has come under fire after giving away promotional pens shaped like hypodermic needles in a state that has been devastated by a real-life heroin epidemic. The trendy teen retailer provided the accessories, which have 'I Love Harroin' printed on the side, to promote the pop-up Harroin hair salon in New York City. But some commenters are angry. 'This whole region is going through a massive heroin epidemic that has had devastating effects on the youth,' a reader identified as 'Frank' wrote on Consumerist.

Not That Smart  

10 Famous Geniuses and Their Drugs  
of Choice
Is intelligence related to an increased likelihood of recreational drug use? It's an interesting hypothesis, and one that's been gaining momentum in recent years. If a definitive link between intellectual capacity and drug use does exist, it will likely be some time before anyone establishes one.  Let's meet 10 of history's most influential scientific and technological visionaries, along with their drugs of choice.


It Works If You Work It ... Anywhere 

'I Used To Be The  
Hero of Parties' 
"Alcohol is an enigma. When I was 11, I decided to be macho at a Christmas party and downed a bottle of wine. I blacked out in my room that night. They say that if one starts blacking out early in life, you're heading for trouble. I was resentful towards my parents for sending me to rehab. But I started attending AA meetings and took up a sponsor, who guided me in overcoming my addiction and staying balanced," he reflects. As any member will vouch, AA is a life-changing cure, one that costs no money but whose help is invaluable."


Cops Can Be Also Be Lifesavers

Small-Town Police Officer Saved An Overdose Victim in Just 60 Seconds 
Sergeant Nathan Ernst was the first officer to arrive on scene, beating the EMTs. In front of two helpless family members, he administered a medication called naloxone into the woman's nostril. When he administered naloxone to the 24-year-old overdose victim on June 11, it was the first time he had used it. But he saw almost immediately that the antidote had worked.

Including, "I'm going to Al-Anon."

22 Things You Should Never Say To Someone Who Doesn't Drink 
18. "You must have so much dirt on everyone, watching us sober." Of course, my favorite hobby is to collect blackmail and is the sole reason I don't drink. Actually, I'm not judging. Please stop judging me.
19. "You must be so against this stuff." Just because I don't want to have a drink doesn't means I'm against alcohol entirely and think it's the worst thing. It's wonderful for people who enjoy it. I just happen not to.


Don't Do the Crime if You Can't Do the Rhyme      

National Rx Drug Abuse Summit Aims to Counter  Opiate Abuse Epidemic in U.S.
Matt Ganem is a self-described recovering OxyContin and heroin addict who has been clean for eight years. He has two children and is the author of "Shadows of an Addict," a book of poetry about his drug addiction. He also is the outreach coordinator for Wicked Sober. "I was sick and tired of  being sick and tired, and there was a lot of desperation in my attempt to get clean. I wish they never came out with OxyContin."

Film Flashback   

Requiem For a Dream - Enter if You Dare
Based on the novel by Hubert Selby Jr., this gritty drama concerns four people trapped by their addictions. Harry (Jared Leto), and his best friend Tyrone (Marlon Wayans) are impoverished heroin addicts living in Coney Island, NY, while Harry's girlfriend Marion (Jennifer Connelly) is a fellow addict trying to distance herself from her wealthy father. Harry dreams of scoring a pound of smack, from which he could make enough money to open a clothing boutique with Marion, but...

Are We Missing Something?   

Should Doctors Be Blamed for Patient Overdoses?
According to the CDC in 2010, over 22,000 drug overdose deaths in the United States were related to pharmaceuticals, accounting for 60 percent of all overdose deaths. The problem of prescription drug abuse still continues, and experts, researchers and politicians are trying to find the best approach to reducing the damage done.

Based On A True Story...   

31 Characters with Substance Abuse Problems
The reality of substance abuse is brought to life every day with many movies and television shows portraying characters who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. We found 31 of the most prominent fictional characters who are remembered for their addictions that resulted in some major consequences. Look through the interactive graphic and discover the extent of their substance abuse problems - which include significant financial strains, job loss, overdose, and even death.

Rescue The Bong!  

OK for Firemen Have Low Levels Alcohol, Marijuana & Cocaine in System While Working 
Fire Fighters can show up to work with up to a .08 percent blood alcohol level without facing punishment, this according to a new report from the Reno Gazette Journal. The RGJ report continues to says it is also okay for Fire Fighters to have certain levels of illegal drugs in their system while working without facing discipline; Drugs that include marijuana and cocaine.

2014 REEL Recovery Film Festival  

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Recovery Event in the Country 

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REEL Recovery Film Festival HIGHLIGHT
Reel 2013
See clips from last year's Award Winning REEL Recovery Film Festivalwith Paul Williams, Russell Brand, Robert Blake, Barbara Eden and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. See VIDEO

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Publisher: Leonard Buschel

 Celebrity Sobriety

Chris Bauer Battled Alcoholism Until True Blood Pilot 
The 47 year old has revealed he struggled with alcoholism for years before finally getting sober in 2007, when he landed the role in the vampire series. "I got sober right after I shot the pilot for True Blood. Now that it's winding down, I'm in touch with how much my life has changed from getting my act together. I think I abused it (alcohol) from the beginning. The idea of taking one drink for me was on par with aliens and Bigfoot.  


Too Much of a Good Thing 

Food, Addiction and Obesity: Why Are We  
All at Risk?
In their new documentary Fed Up, Katie Couric and Laurie David draw attention to the important issues surrounding the food we are eating and why it is making us so sick. Estimates are  that approximately 75 percent of Americans will be overweight or obese by 2020. However, for some people, considerable convincing is still required surrounding one likely cause of this rampant obesity: food addiction.

Only His Foot In His Mouth  VIDEO 

Perry Sticks by Alcoholism and Homosexuality Comparison    VIDEO
Texas Gov. Rick Perry stood by his recent comments comparing homosexuality to alcoholism. "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that - and I look at the homosexual issue the same way," Perry said during that event, immediately sparking backlash from Democrats and gay rights organizations.


Caveat Emptor 

Abuses and Deaths at  
Multiple Calif. Rehabs  
Locally, and in California as a whole, there have been a number of deaths at rehab facilities that took in individuals trying to get themselves clean of a particular substance. Gary Benefield of Arizona complained of being in pain and being disoriented before and after his arrival to A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center in Murrieta. Staff at the treatment facility gave Benefield medication even though they didn't have the medical authority to do so. They gave him antidepressants to calm his mood, medications known to have an inhibitory effect on one's lung function. The next morning, on what was supposed to be his 53rd birthday, Benefield was found slumped over on the floor dead. Another case involving multiple individuals was that of Dr. Jerry Rand...


We Welcome Your Feedback!     
If you have any comments, compliments or suggestions for our weekly Addiction/Recovery eBulletin, please contact us at:
Writers In Treatment

If Alcoholism is a Disease, There Must Be Medicine

Feds Seek Ways to Expand Use of  
Addiction Drug
The government's top drug abuse experts are struggling to find ways to expand use of a medicine that is considered the best therapy for treating heroin and painkiller addiction. Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan on Wednesday pressed officials from the White House, the National Institute of Drug Abuse and other agencies to increase access to buprenorphine, a medication which helps control drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It remains underused a decade after its launch.


Down to the Bone

Methadone Side Effects 
Methadone, evidenced in harm reduction outcomes, is not without its potential pitfalls. It looks like one of these is osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones. Another interesting finding reported here was that guys on methadone maintenance had lower testosterone levels than normal. That's what's thought to behind the accelerated loss of bone as testosterone is important in bone metabolism.


In Case You Want to Know

Top Beer Makers to Post Ingredients Online
She claims that some beers contain additives like high-fructose corn syrup, stabilizers and artificial flavoring, which have been linked to obesity, allergies, hyperactivity and gastrointestinal problems. She also alleges that big brewers include unappetizing things like propylene glycol, a foaming ingredient found in airplane deicing liquid, and even use fish swim bladders during brewing for clarity.

No Match For This

World's First  
e-joint Is Here
You've heard of the e-cigarette, but how about the e-joint? The invention from (yes, you guessed it) the Netherlands is thought to be the world's first electronic spliff. Company E-Njoint BV produce 10,000 fruity-flavoured joints every day which are rolled out across Europe. It contains no THC, tobacco or nicotine, making it 100 per cent legal. But the latest edition allows users to fill the blunt with their own cannabis liquid or dry herbs. E-Njoint is in discussions with Tikun Olam, a business specialising in medicinal marijuana, to help produce products for the health industry.

Ask Wall Street        

Why Are Prescription Painkillers Killing More People Than Heroin and Cocaine Combined?
In the United States, more people die of prescription painkiller abuse than they do of motor vehicle crashes. But while news reports often peg the cause of the problem on a minority of over-prescribing "bad apple" doctors or Internet sales, a new review of the scientific literature argues that the problem likely originates within the health care system itself.

Writers In Treatment
a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and 
REEL RECOVERY FILM FESTIVAL,producers of the Addiction/ Recovery eBulletin and the Experience, Strength & Hope Awards, seeks an experienced and enthusiastic Sales & Marketing Director to grow our base of event sponsors and donors.  

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Issue of the 
Addiction/Recovery eBulletin 

Drink A Few And Find Out  HuffPost

How Dangerous Are Energy Drinks?
The potential dangers of caffeinated energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster and Rock Star have public health advocates worried - and for good reason. Energy drink-related emergency department visits have skyrocketed, nearly doubling between 2007 and 2011, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Dawn Report.

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