Friday, April 18, 2014

Addicting News Recovered from Around the World...the first one is free..and so are the rest!

If your friend has taken the wrong turn on the highway, should you...

(         Alert  them as soon as possible so they can turn around, practice Tough Love: Keep your mouth shut and let them get lost, be late and/or run out of gas,  or wait until l they have gone too far to turn back, then take away their license and insist they spend four months at an in-patient driver’s education facility?

The correct answer is "Alert them as soon as possible" because the course correction is faster, and there is a significant reduction in all potentially ancillary problems. 

Years of research have proven that this same principle applies to course correction for people heading down the highway of problematic intoxication from alcohol and/or drugs.  And yet most people, despite all proof to the contrary, cling tenaciously to the disastrous and disproved trinity of “Tough Love” “Let ‘em hit bottom” and “Get them into an inpatient rehab.”

Since 1996, the American Society of Addiction Medicine has recommended starting with the least intensive treatment.   It turns out that ‘A word to the wise is sufficient,” but we often hold our tongues until the person to whom we are speaking is all out of wisdom!

In this week’s eBulletin you’ll get linked to Dr. Mark Willenbring, former director of the Treatment and Recovery Research Division of NIAAA, describing how the vast majority of people who could benefit from help don't get it, in part because the system is designed to treat the most severe problems, while the culture dictates waiting until someone "hits bottom." 

We will also be challenged by the nagging question posed by William Cope Moyers: What is Recovery?
 EXAMPLE: Bill Wilson stopped drinking in 1934 and never drank again.  This co-founder of AA died as a direct result of his nicotine addiction, was a serial adulterer, and had a very complicated “post drinking” life.  There's no doubt that as an alcoholic who never drank again, he inspired many others to reclaim their lives. Was he in recovery or not? And who decides?

There is no debate on the brilliance and savvy of Wells Fargo in sponsoring the Reel Recovery Film Festival, the inebriation of he man found clutching a burrito, Lindsay Lohan’s recovery bargain, and even more news on why smoking may not be good for you – despite some claiming the “the jury is still out” – you know, like with evolution. 

Oh, and the big question of the week: is it a violation of medical ethics for doctors to tell the cops they found meth in your body cavity while doing surgery?

Read on ….more news you can use, and opinions that won’t drive you to drink…
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Celebrity in Trouble Again  

Justin Bieber Overdose:
What Will Selena
Gomez Spill?       

According to the latest issue of Life & Style, Justin Bieber is lucky to be alive. An insider tells the tabloid that Bieber hosted a party at his Calabasas mansion a few months ago and "overdosed on sizzurp," downing twice as much of this dangerous concoction as usual. "His friends put him in cold water to revive him. Then they made him throw up."
Alcohol Takes a Toll      
Why Binge Drinkers are Slower to Heal from Their Wounds

People who are injured while binge drinking are much slower to heal from wounds suffered in car accidents, shootings, fires, etc.
The study showed, for the first time, that binge alcohol exposure reduces the amount of white blood cells called macrophages that chew up bacteria and debris. More 
Art Imitates Life   NPR    AUDIO

Edie Falco on Sobriety,
The Sopranos, and Nurse Jackie's Self-Medication       

On Nurse Jackie, Edie Falco plays an ER nurse who does a lot of self-medicating. Addicted to pills, she finally got sober last season and started going to 12-step meetings. But she saved one pill. 
 Double Winners               MSNBC   AUDIO
 Gubernatorial Candidate: Homosexuality is Similar to Alcoholism AUDIO
"I believe that homosexuality is a behavioral disorder on par with alcoholism or eating disorders," said Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Scott Lively. "It isn't just a moral weakness, it's something that people suffer with, and it's a compulsion," Lively said. He added: "I think homosexual conduct is inherently wrong and dangerous and harmful." More  
Parental Units On Guard
Recognizing the
Signs of Addiction
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word addiction as "a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)." Possibly the most important symptom that parents, friends and coworkers could recognize is just a difference in the individual.More
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It Happens to Boys
Men with Eating Disorders Slow to Get Help      
Researchers reported many delays in diagnosis, issues of comfort with doctors who were not empathetic and even one case of a gastroenterologist who urged a patient to "man up," after he had prolonged vomiting and weight loss. More  
Hook Them While Their Young
Crafty Alcohol Advertising Directed
at U.S. Adolescents Through Music and Branding
"Average exposure is about eight alcohol brand name mentions per day," explained Brian A. Primack, associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh and corresponding author for the study. "This is based on average exposure of 2.5 hours of music per day, with 3-4 brand mentions each hour. More   
Safe, Fast and Effective...
The Dow is UP    Wall Street Journal
Tweed Marijuana Inc. Wall Street Journal
Tweed Marijuana is further providing an update with respect to a shipment of medical marihuana plants that its wholly owned subsidiary Tweed Inc. ("Tweed") had sought to acquire from certain growers licensed under the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations. More
Did I hear FREE?
Offers Free
Seder for

The alcohol-free Seder, designed for people in recovery and their families, will feature commentary that emphasizes the work of breaking free of addiction.   
Past Issues
Issue of the 
Addiction/Recovery eBulletin 

Music is a Gateway Drug    
Study: Music Is Just Advertisement for Alcohol Brands
Mentions of drinking or alcohol brands in music are associated with binge drinking in adolescents who listen to (and enjoy) the songs.The researchers surveyed 2,541 15-to-23-year-olds, offering them 10 random songs that had alcohol mentions in them. While there are many factors that influence a young person's decision to binge-drink, it does seem, based on this survey, that songs that mention drinking, or brands of alcohol, may be acting as unpaid advertisements for those brands. More
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Cuff My Grandma
60-year-old Woman Arrested for
Selling Drugs to Grandson, a Police Informant
In one of the more unusual cases in Baxter County Circuit Court, a Mountain Home woman pleaded guiltyThursday to selling drugs to her grandson - who was a police informant.
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7 Ways Facebook is Bad for Your Mental Health   
But like all benefits in life, Facebook comes with its psychological costs-many of them invisible. Indeed, a recent study found that heavy Facebook users experience decreases in subjective well-being over time. 
Below we review some research suggesting 7 ways that Facebook may be hurting you. More
Tribal Events   

Come to Coachella
for the Sobriety?       

Did you know that, for some people, Coachella represents a big ol' Alcoholics Anonymous meeting? Since 2009, New Orleans couple Bob Johnson and Jane Smith (not their real names) have led 12-step meetings on the festival grounds for those who, like themselves, are in recovery. They call their group Soberchella. More 
Obituaries   L.A. Times 

About 88,000 U.S. Deaths Each Year Traced to
Alcohol Use      

The CDC report calculated that fatalities due to drunk drivers and more than 50 other alcohol-related causes of death are responsible for wiping out about 2.5 million years of potential life each year.
The Selfie Disorder   VIDEO
'Selfie Addiction' Is No Laughing Matter,
Psychiatrists Say  VIDEO 
It seems that some people simply can't stop turning the camera their way for that perfect social media photo, and now psychologists say taking selfies can turn into an addiction for people already affected by certain psychological disorders. 
Listen to the Comedian 
It's a Jungle Out There       
Drunken Monkeys: Does Alcoholism Have an Evolutionary Basis?  
As the child of an alcoholic father, Robert Dudley long wondered what caused the destructive allure of alcohol.  Dudley saw monkeys eating ripe fruit, which likely contained small amounts of the stuff, and an answer occurred to him: Maybe alcoholism is an evolutionary hangover.  More
We Welcome Your Feedback!     
If you have any comments, compliments or suggestions for our weekly Addiction/Recovery eBulletin, please contact us at:
Writers In Treatment
Anything But Reality
'Addiction' to Tablet Computers is Leading to Poor Classroom Performance 
Last year, students in Los Angeles were issued with iPads in a $500 million deal with Apple. But school officials ended up red-faced when hundreds of learners hacked the tablets, enabling them to access restricted websites and download games. More  
Dr. Gabor Maté
Genes Do Not Cause or Maintain Addictions   
For the most part the media is still prone to accepting a simplistic genetic view of things, the concept that complex human behaviors and emotional patterns can be explained by the influence of genes. Scientifically this is nonsense, but unfortunately it's a view shared by many physicians. More  
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Interesting Study
Why is Underage Drinking Targeted When Studies Show it is in Decline?
The report does sound encouraging. In 12- to 17-year-olds, past-month drinking was shown to be down by 27%, binge drinking to have declined by 33% and heavy drinking to have been nearly halved, at 48%.
Judging by the statistics," he replied, "today's kids are listening. But we will remain diligent in working with educators, parents, retailers and law enforcement to eliminate underage drinking."More 
Rethinking the Anonymous Program?    
Alcoholics Anonymous:
One Size Does
Not Fit All
"It's pretty catastrophic for the amount of population that we have in this area. There's not that many people here." He said the number of deaths from heroin has increased in recent years. So far this year, he said three deaths were from possible drugs overdoses. More  
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The Book That Started It All
'The Big Book'
Turns 75    

April 10, 1939, marks the publication date of "Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism." One of the best-selling books of all time (it has sold more than 30 million copies), the volume is better known to millions of recovering alcoholics and addicts as "the Big Book."  
Stick with the Winners... 
It will also appear on
Al-Anon Information   AUDIO
Al-Anon Family Groups Mark April Alcohol Awareness Month AUDIO    
Ann, an anonymous Al-Anon member, received a professional recommendation to attend Al-Anon. "The counselor thought she was exhausting her knowledge about the impact alcoholism had on me, so she suggested I go to an Al-Anon meeting," More
 Policy and the Public Good   Huffington Post
Addiction Stigma Interfers with Legislation
This callousness is evident in everyday conversations, media reports and online comment sections. Politicians regularly refer to the "addict" as a criminal who needs to be remanded even in the last hours of death. Most doctors don't ask patients about substance use and neither do families openly discuss alcohol and drug use. More 
We Proudly Endose...
About Us
SAVE A LIFEWriters In Treatment
501 (c)(3) nonprofit
WIT gets treatment for individuals who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or other self-destructive behaviors.

Publisher: Leonard Buschel
Tragedy of Alcohol Use by Young People
Although Alcohol Awareness month is very important, I would that everyone has alcohol awareness throughout the year. It is so important that everyone truly internalize the nature and affects that alcohol use has with our youth, and alcohol abuse by adults, and what their residual effects have on all of us. 
Teen in Trouble?
Looking back...
10 Celebrity Deaths Associated With Drugs
Since the death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman many people have come to realize just how often we hear that the cause of a celebrity's death was due to drugs. Like Hoffman, these individuals were successful, earning a wonderful living and were known and praised for their art. The life they choose is a very public one.
2013 Highlight Reel from RRFF    VIDEO
REEL Recovery Film Festival HIGHLIGHT
Reel 2013
See clips from last year's Award Winning REEL Recovery Film Festivalwith Paul Williams, Russell Brand, Robert Blake, Barbara Eden and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. See VIDEO
Neither Snow, Nor Rain, Nor Gloom of Night...  
Accused of
Selling Marijuana
A Long Island postal worker is accused of selling marijuana from his mail truck.The post office declined comment, citing privacy laws. According to Newsday, Nassau County police say 29-year-old Jimmy Henry of Freeport conducted the sales from the parking lot of the Merrick Post Office.
Bad News For Crimea's Rehab Patients     
Perhaps no Crimeans will feel these changes more keenly than the 800 heroin addicts currently undergoing methadone treatment on the peninsula.
Russia announced it was banning the substitution drug in Crimea -- a devastating blow to drug users who had pinned their hopes on methadone to break free from addiction. More

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